Something More: Hell Girl Repentance and Saint Young Men Casting

It’s been a long week; I’ve spent most of it out of town on business, while my poor girl is sick at home.  Luckily, I found at least a couple of spiritually inclined articles:

Medieval Otaku uses Hell Girl to help point out how fictional works can help us see our own sin. [Medieval Otaku]

Mirai Moriyama has been cast as Jesus and Gen Hoshino as Buddha in the upcoming Saint Young Men film. [Anime News Network]


As part of the Something More series of posts (formerly Spirituality in the Anime Blogosphere), each week, Beneath the Tangles links to writings about anime and manga that involve religion and spirituality.  If you’ve written such a piece or know of one, please email TWWK if you’d like it included. 


2 thoughts on “Something More: Hell Girl Repentance and Saint Young Men Casting

  1. I happen to like Hell Girl… have a boxed set of the dvd. Actually, I find it scary. hell Girl is playing God that takes advantage of a man’s misery.

    1. Yet she’s not doing it entirely willingly. Have you watched the second season? She’s manipulated into it from both her own rage and from her parents’ souls being held hostage. It casts a very dfferent light on her actions, and definitely makes her a trgic figure.

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