Spirituality in the Anime Blogosphere: The Gospel According to Wolfwood

Nicholas D. Wolfwood is a man of many vices…but does that make him a bad man?  And how do those vices reveal the Gospel message?  Azalea of Liz-Jen.com explored the spirituality of Trigun in a couple of short essays, including the one linked below.  She begins with interesting comparisons of Wolfwood to several biblical characters.  She then provides some great insight on Wolfwood’s vices, which she claims aren’t necessarily contrary to Christianity, as well as really interesting commentary about his punisher, his night with Millie, and the episode, Paradise.

Please have a read:

Wild Man in the Desert: The Gospel According to Wolfwood


2 thoughts on “Spirituality in the Anime Blogosphere: The Gospel According to Wolfwood

  1. Ah, that’s another thing I really love about Wolfwood. The way he’s so taken with Millie’s innocence and straight forward nature. She has amazing courage and a strong sense of right and wrong. She’s a little slow sometimes, but her outlook on life is so cheerful; it contrasts really well with Wolfwood’s pessimistic views.

    1. I feel like I KNOW people like Wolfwood – those who have a good heart, but are so warped by their upbringing, difficulties in life, and other concerns, that’s their goodness is often buried deep down.

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