Passion Week: Anime Relationships and Loving You For Who You Are

At the foot of the cross
where grace and suffering meet
You have shown me your love
through the judgment You received
and You’ve won my heart…

“Ashes to Beauty” by Kathryn Scott

Easter is upon us as a week from today, Christians will celebrate the resurrection of Christ by going to church, spending time with families and…eating chocolate bunnies.


There’s definitely a dichotomy there.  Here’s one, too – Beneath the Tangles will celebrate this week by discussion relationships of love in anime.

Bakemonotagari bike
A hint for the first post... (Art by 鸿)

But before you think of throwing PAAS-dyed Easter eggs at me, consider the topic of these posts.  We’ll be talking about the idea of “loving one for who he or she is.”  While Christianity is often called a judgmental religion (probably because of its adherents more than any other reason), Jesus came and showed us that He loves us for who we are.  No matter what we’ve done or how we’ve been broken, He offers a warm love that says, “I know who you really are and I still love you.”

Some of the great relationships in anime, romantic and friendly, demonstrate a similar love.  So as we approach Easter, our blog will present one such anime or manga relationship each day.  I hope you’ll join us for this Passion Week full of love posts!

Note: Last year, we did a series of Nicholas D. Wolfwood posts for the week.


6 thoughts on “Passion Week: Anime Relationships and Loving You For Who You Are

  1. How cute! I’m interested to see which matches you pick, since there seems to be one (or more) in ever anime or manga! There are so many, but a lot are much deeper then others.

    Happy Early Easter!
    (^.^ )

  2. I look forward to seeing the rest of this week’s posts!

    The couple from His and Her Circumstances immediately comes to mind. I wonder which anime relationships will come up this week…

    1. Ah, that would probably be a good one! His and Her Circumstances has been on my “stalled” list for…at least a decade, so it won’t be among this week’s series. I’m reminded, once again, that I need to go finish that show!

  3. An interesting post series, surely. I’d also love to see a few atypical relationships thrown into the list as well 🙂

    1. Eh, well, I may not go atypical so much. 😛

      BUT, I do have one little-known couple and R86 will be discussing a friendship, rather than a romance. 🙂

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