Something More: Spiritual Truths in Your Lie in April, Encouragement of Covenant, and Jeanne D’Arc’s Last Temptation

After our holiday hiatus, Something More has returned!  Today’s column features a smattering of wonderful posts from this past week and a few before, as the holidays marked the end of one anime season (and now the beginning of another).

Does the style in which lolita characters, including Taiga and Enju, presented in anime pose spiritual problems for Christians viewers? [Jesus Geek!!!]

Jeanne D’Arc’s temptation in Shingeki no Bahamut–sine dubio reveals lessons about temptation of the virtuous. [Medieval Otaku]

Oz’s treatment toward Gil in Pandora Hearts mirrors that of a different master and servant – Christ and the church. [Old Line Elephant]

Episode 8 of Hi-sCoool! Seha Girls emphasizes a biblical idea little loved in western culture these days – modesty. [2]

The forming of a “covenant” relationship in the last episode of Encouragement of Climb is very fitting for the series. [A Series of Miracles]

Among other things, Aoi Hana tells Christians a bit about how to treat homosexuals. [2]

The theme of difficulties in one culture relating to another in Ikoku Meiro no Croisée is and important one for churches to note. [Annalyn’s Thoughts]

Takeshi’s view of Kousei as a fallen hero, revealed in episode 11 of Your Lie in April, speaks to us truth about the human condition. [Christian Anime Review]

Takeshi also teaches us about adversity, spritual and otherwise. [2]

As part of the Something More series of posts, each week Beneath the Tangles links to writings about anime and manga that involve religion and spirituality.  If you’ve written such a piece or know of one, please email TWWK if you’d like it included


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