Don’t Mind the Mess!

As you are all likely aware, Beneath the Tangles has been going through an extended period of transition since the beginning of 2016. Thanks to the generosity of our Patreon donors, we’ve been able to migrate to our own server. While this has given us enormous amounts of freedom to develop Beneath the Tangles into a site that is even better able to build a sense of community and discussion, very little of that has been obviously visible to our readers.

…until now.

That’s right, we are excited to announce that within the next one to two weeks, you can expect to see a brand new Beneath the Tangles! Don’t worry, none of what you love will be gone. We will still maintain an expressly blog-oriented format with an emphasis on comments and social media interaction. But with our upcoming upgrades, we’ll be able to institute all kinds of visual changes that make it easier to access the articles you like, integrate our various media, and ultimately serve you, our readers.

With all of that in mind, while we attempt to make this transition process as quick and seamless as possible, we do ask, if you just so happen to log on during that short window… don’t mind the mess!

7 thoughts on “Don’t Mind the Mess!

  1. Japes,

    I’m really excited to see the new transformation of Beneath The Tangles, and I can’t wait to see the finished product! Keep working hard!

    Micah Marshall

  2. Cool beans, Japes! I’ll be looking forward to seeing the new format of the cite now that you’ve got some money/server space to use. Never stop being awesome. 😀

      1. Also, the fact that I wrote “site” as “cite” here says way too much about my job. -____-;

  3. Woohoo, makeover! I was wondering a month back what had happened to the index of shows by which to search for related articles with… Now I know that it was probably all party of the transitioning. Yay transitions! New year new stuff. Looking forward to seeing the new format soon.

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