Merry Christmas!

But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. (Is 53:5)

There’s so much pressure on us during Christmas—pressure to spend time with family, pressure to spend spend spend, pressure to feel happy and full of Christmas cheer (“Christmas is coming, but I’m not happy. I don’t feel the way I’m supposed to feel.”). The stress of the holiday threatens to overwhelm the joy. I’ve been there. I am there.

If you’re in a challenging place today, like me, I want you to join me in considering the sacredness of the holiday, in the hope and peace that comes with the story of God come into the world to save us when we couldn’t, to put aside the grandeur and majesty to be born in dirtiness and danger so show us that the way to his heart isn’t by gifts and majestic works—it’s through grace and humble love.

I wish all our dear readers a Merry Christmas. May you have a blessed, blessed holiday.

Featured art by 光合作用的de葉子 (reprinted w/permission)


8 thoughts on “Merry Christmas!

  1. Merry Christmas, Charles, and Merry Christmas, Beneath the Tangles! Thank you for your invitation. May the Newborn King enlighten us all, and teach us His ways.

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