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Call For Guest Posts!

Hi, readers!

Thank you for visiting Beneath the Tangles.  We appreciate you spending a small time of your day with us.  Whether you’re a devoted reader of months or years, or a one-time visitor, we definitely value you.

But as a reader, have you ever thought of possibly creating your own piece for Beneath the Tangles?  We’d love to have you write a piece for us!  Even if you’re not a prolific writer or blogger, we’d still like you to consider posting something for us.

You’ll also be helping our crew during the summer months – I’m developing a special project that will take some time away from my blogging and will otherwise be particularly busy this season.

We only ask the following of you:

While we prefer posts that reflect our personal beliefs about Christianity, we welcome others as well for these guest posts.  I also welcome non-Christian views, which I’ve also promoted on this blog in an effort for us to gain comfort with one another and to learn about each others’ religions.

If you want to participate, please comment below (include your email in the prompt) or send me an email at beneath.the.tangles AT  We look forward to hearing from you!

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