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TangleCast 29: Homosexuality in Anime (pt. 1/2)

For the past several weeks, The TangleCast has covered a number of varying topics, but something that Beneath the Tangles uniquely brings to the aniblog community is its unique approach to religion, spirituality, and morality as it intersects with anime and otaku-dom. A topic we’ve been interested in tackling for months has been the world of homosexuality within anime, and JP (Japesland), Kaze, Jack (R86), and Casey (CutsceneAddict) finally had the chance to sit down and hash it out.

Christians’ opinions differ greatly on the permissibility of homosexuality within Christianity, but our goal is not to decide whether or not it is okay, but how someone who disagrees with that particularly lifestyle can respectfully understand homosexuality within the context of otaku-dom. Thus, this week, beginning a two part-podcast series on this topic, our podcasters discuss the homosexual sub-genres within the anime (and larger otaku) world, and their personal opinions and experiences with these sub-genres. Look forward to next week’s part two, where we will be applying our spiritual beliefs!

As always, every episode of The TangleCast will be covering a different topic, from anime reviews, to discussions on spirituality, to listener mail, and everything in between. Please join the conversation by commenting below or submitting a question at our contact page!

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