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Spirituality in the Anime Blogosphere: Amazing Grace of Eureka 7, Anime Cons = Anti-Christian, and Homura the Evangelist

This week was particularly rife with great posts and articles relating to anime and religion, mythology, or spirituality.  Let’s get to them!

Anime News Network posted a report on mangaka Kazuo Koike’s interview with Madoka Magica writer, Gen Urobochi.  Among the things they discussed was Madoka’s ultimate status and the role she and Homura played by the end of the series [Anime News Network]:

When asked about Homura’s position at the end of the work, [Gen Urobochi] described her as an evangelist who is the only person within the world she lives in who understands Madoka’s existence and role.

Mike Huang, who once graciously wrote an aniblogger testimony for us, posts a wonderful piece reflecting on some events of his youth and drawing comparisons to Ano Natsu de Matteru for the Diary of an Anime Lived series.  Much of the story takes place at a Christian youth retreat and Mike’s memories about how those teens acted is telling (and unfortunately, not unique). [Anime Diet]

Tommy calls anime conventions a “culture of hate,” explaining what he sees as an anti-Christian attitude exhibited by con attendees. [Anime Bowl]

JoeAnimated talks about the redemption of three important characters in Eureka Seven, framing his post around the hymn, “Amazing Grace.” [We Remember Love]

Marina chats about real life speculation involving transplanting a “soul” along with organs, while discussing the surprising turn in episode 3 of Area no Kishi. [Anime B&B]

Bitmap surmises that kijimuna spirits, famed in Okinawan culture, are the models for robot characters in the anime, Asobi ni Iku Yo!. [The Untold Story of Altair and Vega]

Kermit Bayless relates his New Year’s experience in Japan, including attending hatsumode, sleeping in a capsule hotel, and seeing loud, sign-holding, Japanese street evangelists. [Jesus Loves Japan]

Cyberpunk addresses what she sees as the unsettling end to Texhnolyze, calling the series an “eschatological heresy.” [Cyberpunk]

Landon draws some great connections between Greek mythology and Shin Mazinger Z.  Warning: click on the link only if you’re not adverse to f-bombs. [Mecha Guignol]

Richmond Lee presents a series of interesting connections between Buddhism (his religion) and the game, Asura’s Wrath. [Kotaku]

Hippiefreak reviews Saint Young Men, giving a brief overview of the series and giving recommendations on how believers and non-believers might take it. [Anime Tree]

In a post on episode thirteen of Fate/Zero, Sofiel mentions her own reservations about Christianity when discussing the much-dissected discussion between Caster and Ryunnosuke. [Hiroi Sekai]

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