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Poll: Your Five Favorite Anime or “The Field?”

In sports betting, there’s a concept where you can bet on a team or two to win/play for a championship, or you can take the rest of the field (all the remaining teams). It’s an interesting bet when one team is especially dominant, helping to even the odds a bit. For instance, Golden State is such a great NBA team that they’re likely to win the NBA championship, but if I were to put money down on it, I might tend toward betting on the field.

That’s the basis for the poll below. Here are your choices: you can watch your five favorite anime for the rest of your life (think about which you would include among these), but only those anime and no others, or you could watch any anime (“the field”) except your five favorites, which you could never watch again. Which would you choose?

Again, as with the previous poll, I’m looking at the sacredness of anime here, those pieces that are so important to us. How important are they really? Are the emotional connections so significant that we would forego entertainment value for the rest of our lives to remain connected to series that will have diminishing value to us? Or does the need for entertainment (or the value we place on anime, media, and/or creativity) trump our heart for these series? Have those series already reached a level of return on investment that is so low that this poll is an easy pick for us?

Let us know your thoughts below! Why did you pick your answer, and what anime did you consider as your five favorites?

Note: The banner image is from my favorite, Oregairu.

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