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Happy 10th Birthday to Us!

Ten years ago today, we posted our very first article, and with that, a ministry was born!

I’ve said as much before, but at the time, I had no inkling that we’d last ten months, much less ten years. I was very aware of a bad personal habit of giving up on hobbies and plans when I became bored with them, and I assumed the same would happen here, even with months of planning before I launched. God blessed us, however, and kept encouraging me to keep going all these years (with a brief respite). It’s been an enormous blessing to me—much more, I’m sure, than to anyone else, though I also believe we’ve blessed many as of our readers and staff as well.

I don’t want this to sound like I won some award, but it feels appropriate to offer thanks for those who have supported over the last decade. So thank you to all our writers and other staff who have contributed so many hours, thoughts, and in many cases, sweat and tears to the blog. So many have lived and died by it, and I appreciate all of you, from those who were a part for almost the entire time to those who came and went quickly. You’ve been very much at the heart of this ministry.

A thank you to our readers and social media followers. We write and develop content to engage you. Without you, there is no Beneath the Tangles. And so many of you have developed close relationships with us, almost like family. Some even contribute financially, and I thank you who have given to us in this way; you’ve helped to keep up growing.

Finally, of course, we thank God. This ministry, I have to believe, was started because he planted a weird idea in my mind, and he was the one who grew it despite my lack of ability and skill, and a drive and thought process that isn’t always as aligned in scripture as it should be. He’s kept us centered, and if there’s any success here, earthly or heavenly, it’s by and for him.

Tonight, our staff and a few key allies are going to celebrate with a Zoom virtual party. It’s going to be a wonderful time, and the first time most of us will see each other face to face! I’m a little nervous…but what a time to come together, in the midst of all this craziness, to celebrate God’s faithfulness.

For all of you out there that won’t be attending, but are still a very part of what we do, thank you one more time. We love you and are blessed by you.

Oh, and stay tuned. I’m excited to share photos of the event with you soon as we start another year of the ministry, and who knows, perhaps another decade of looking at anime in our own unique way.

Featured illustration by 岳印 (reprinted w/permission).

By the way, if you’d like to give us a “birthday gift,” we’d love to have your follow on any (or all!) of our social media platforms: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Tumblr, and a subscription to Doki Doki News and our podcast (iTunes / Spotify / SoundCloud). And of course, your financial support, even as little as a buck a month, is very much appreciated.

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