Reader’s Corner: Issak (Vol. 7), The Mandalorian (Vol. 2), and SHY (Vol. 6)

May the 4th (give or take a few days) be with you! We’ve got the latest manga volume of The Mandalorian this week! Oh, not a Star Wars fan? How about superhero fare with the latest volume of Shy? We also have webtoons, romance, and much more this week, including a series we highly encourage… Read More Reader’s Corner: Issak (Vol. 7), The Mandalorian (Vol. 2), and SHY (Vol. 6)

Review: Star Wars: The Mandalorian: The Manga, Vol. 1

When Disney released the first episode of The Mandalorian in 2019, it was almost universally well-received. Featuring brand new characters, a spaghetti western feel (from both the story and the soundtrack), and wonderful set designs, it was a unique and strong entry into the Star Wars universe. So it’s little surprise that a manga adaptation… Read More Review: Star Wars: The Mandalorian: The Manga, Vol. 1