Kokoro Connect 05: If You Had 30 Minutes to Live, What Would You Do?

Kokoro Connect continues to surprise me by how touching and involving it all is.  Though not without its faults, it’s still one of my favorite series of the year.  After a strange (but still compelling) fourth episode, five did was episode fives of good series often do – hit an early high point in the series.

Art by 三毛之助

Without going into much detail, a central theme to this episode is to do that which you have to as if there’s no tomorrow.  If you could be brave enough to escape the fear of the moment, knowing that there is no fear of repercussion in the future, what would say?

And so, I’ll ask this question of you all:  If you had only thirty minutes to live, what would you do or say?

Please use the comment area to tell us what’s in your heart – no names and specifics necessary, of course.  I hope that perhaps, this episode and this question might persuade us to be brave ourselves and live stronger and deeper.


18 thoughts on “Kokoro Connect 05: If You Had 30 Minutes to Live, What Would You Do?

  1. I’ll go first.

    Besides the obvious (telling family and friends that I love them), I would just spend time with my kids and wife. I might try to give some words of wisdom, but I imagine that most of my time would be spent just crying and telling them how much I love them. If I had the opportunity, I might also record something for them for posterity.

    When I was in the hospital a while back, my kids came to visit for just a short time. I didn’t have much to say – I just held them and told them I loved them and enjoyed being with them.

  2. Having already given this idea some thought, I have a ready answer. In this question, one is basically asking how one would prepare for death and judgment in half an hour.

    My first step would be to ask my loved ones in the immediate area to meet me at church. Then, I should find a priest in order to confess my sins and receive last rites. As my loved ones entered this church, I would express my sincere affection for them, ask their forgiveness for having offended them so often, and any last wishes I should have. In the meantime, I should be at prayer, expressing my gratitude toward God, apologizing for my many sins, forgiving all who have offended me and asking for their good, asking the saints to offer their merits in reparation for my many faults, and praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet. As the agony of death came upon me, I should commend my soul to Jesus and pass into eternity.

    Can there be a more perfect way to die?

    1. Your response reminds me of prayer. How could I have left that out? I can imagine my own scenario being bathed in prayer – my own as well as those by my loved ones.

      Thanks for the response!

  3. I’ve personally never particularly feared death, mostly because I am a Christian. Though this also may be because I’ve never been in a situation where I thought I was in mortal peril. The first thing I would do would be to leave a message to my online friends, who wouldn’t really be able to know what happened to me otherwise. Then I would say goodbye to my family, possibly muster up my courage and confess my love to my crush in an embarassing manner without telling her that I was about to die. After that, I would ask my father to pray for me until the end.

    1. That’s quite a nice response – thanks for sharing. 🙂

      I don’t particularly fear death either, in large part because of my confidence in the Heaven. Strangely enough, though, I’ve found myself fearing death for my family – I often worry that there’ll be some sort of accident. I want to protect them, but there’s only so much I can do in an imperfect world.

      Also, you remind me of the whole “online persona” we now have. I read a great article a year or two ago about how when people die, they leave behind all these digital properties, like their Facebook, websites, etc. And generally, no one is allowed to access them (not even parents), so they just stay there as a haunting reminder. I recently read the Facebook of a person who had recently passed away, and it was so strange to see that remaining behind. Some people are now including these items in their wills, I guess.

  4. “To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.”

    I can’t say I wouldn’t be upset, even though I’m okay with death and dying. I still have a lot I want to do and haven’t done yet. But the first thing I’d do is tell my family I loved them. Then I’d probably get my Brown Bear and my favorite book, and settle down to wait. Maybe have a cookie and some milk. I’d just want to be comfortable and make it as easy as possible for my family to deal with the aftermath.

    1. Your way of passing is very empathetic toward your loved ones. 🙂

      That quote reminds me of a less stylish quote that I oft remember from childhood. In the words of Robin Williams’ grown-up Peter Pan, “To die would be a great adventure.”

      1. I hate the thought of leaving my family in a storm of tears and worrying. In many ways, just taking comfort in their presence and love would make it easier for me. Knowing them, I’d probably be left alone if I asked for it, because in the end there wouldn’t be much to talk about (except my death, and that would be miserable and depressing) and I wouldn’t want them to be there when I died… the idea just creeps me out, having people stare at me as I die! It would only make me anxious and scared.

        And in many ways, I think it would be easier for them if I went that way, since then I’d be going peacefully and relatively happily. They’d know I wasn’t suffering.

        Those quotes about death are something I hold to be true. While I’m not ready for it, I still feel that moving on is akin to moving to another country – I don’t know what exactly will be there, but it will be an interesting time no matter what! An adventure in the truest sense of the word.

  5. You know, I always had the strongest wish that if I was going to check out, I would want to do it helping another person or saving another persons life. This is going to sound silly, but I’ve always had this image of there being some kind of Doomsday-esque emergency where I’m injured mortally yet somewhat operational. Then all of a sudden, a lady goes into labor and I help deliver the kid right before I kick the bucket. I know, I know–it’s the stuff that bad action movies are made of, but like I said, If I want to go, I want to go helping someone. However, barring a Doomsday-esque emergency or expectant mothers…

    I would take about five to ten minutes to write out a letter, thanking everyone I could possibly think of for being in my life. I know I could always call people and let them know, but I want to leave them something physical–something written in my own handwriting. Then, after a few minutes of prayer, [Mostly to the tune of, “Hey, I know I made some BIG mistakes…really big mistakes…but thanks for the time. It was a blast! See ya in a few!”] I would spend my last few minutes with my mother cooking SOMETHING. I don’t care what it is, but I would want to cook SOMETHING with her–even if it’s something simple like a sandwich. I love her cooking and she’s always complimented mine, so just to spend that time together doing something we both enjoy would be perfect. During this time, I would pretty much be recalling all the happy times we had together and only in the last few minutes, we would talk about how I would want my arrangements handled and ensure that [Assuming the cause of my demise wouldn’t leave them damaged] my wishes of me being an organ donor are followed through properly.

    If I seem like I’m a little light about the subject, it’s only because I know that dying is just another step on the journey that we all are apart of and that a greater reward lies ahead.

    1. Wow, great answers, man! Yeah, and I know what you mean about going out helping someone. That would be awesome.

      I love your ideas – the idea of a letter, something tangible, is really smart. I also like the personal idea of cooking with your mom.

      Thanks for sharing. 🙂

        1. True – definitely felt like a finale-type episode. The same thing happened with episode 3 of Tari Tari this season. I wonder where this show will transition to now.

    1. That’s an interesting decision. I don’t feel such a strong connection to my church building, though I was sentimental about our congregation’s previous one – that’s where my wife and I wed.

      1. I got God to rely on my problems since I joined a church. I had no religion before. That’s how can I describe the thankful feeling I got.

        Also, don’t stop — this blog is between two things that I’m happy to talk about.

        1. Don’t stop? Not sure what you mean – going to church or this blog? Either way, I certainly plan on continuing those activities. 😛

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