Happy Pocky (and Pepero) Day!

That’s right, today is Pocky Day—and for Koreans out there and others who otherwise prefer Lotte Pepero, its Pepero Day, too! (A little trivia: Pepero Day is just as much a marketing tool as Pocky Day is, but it also has a Valentine’s Day kinda feel in Korea and even in the U.S. among Korean-Americans.)

To celebrate our favorite chocolate/preztely snack, here’s a small gallery of anime characters eating Pocky. Enjoy, and let us know in the comments which Pocky flavor is your favorite! Mine is Matcha Green Tea! 😀

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Note: All illustrations are used with permission, either explicitly or by the artist noting that reposts are allowed.

  1. Miku: 雨陌 |
  2. Victor: Pingo |ユーリ!!! on ICE
  3. Girl 1: いがくせい |ポッキーの日
  4. Mashu: Silver | Pocky~
  5. Sasha: 犬殿 | Pocky!!!
  6. Kyoko: アマノ | だ、誰があたしが食ってるポッキー食えって言った!
  7. Girl 2: Bison倉鼠 | ○×△□
  8. Takari: Bern | (´;ω;`)
  9. Girl 3: ももしき | ポッキー食べよ

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