TangleCast 42: The Tragic Hope of Tokyo Ghoul

Today we’re taking a break from our regularly scheduled programming to bring you a thematic exploration of the Tokyo Ghoul series with me, your guest host, Alex! This will be a spoiler-filled episode as I cover rich themes in the series, including otherness, transformation, and hope (as misguided as it may be)—if you haven’t read/or watched Tokyo Ghoul (and Tokyo Ghoul:re), be warned (And go check it out—it’s a great series and I highly recommend it).

If you want to talk Tokyo Ghoul, you can hit me up on Twitter (@full_timehuman). You can also find me on MyAnimeList (@full_timehuman) and WordPress (alexsthoughtrepository.wordpress.com). Here are the resources I cite in the show; I recommend you give them a full read:

Check us out on iTunes or Spotify, or through our RSS Feed! Featured art by Jean (reprinted w/permission).

Beneath the Tangles » TangleCast
Beneath the Tangles » TangleCast
TangleCast 42: The Tragic Hope of Tokyo Ghoul

3 thoughts on “TangleCast 42: The Tragic Hope of Tokyo Ghoul

  1. Because I have a really, really weak stomach and zombies are totally not my thing, I will probably never read/watch TG. Thus, I thank you (and others at BtT who have written about it) for providing me with best-of summaries worthwhile aspects of such series. 🙂

    1. I couldn’t watch Tokyo Ghoul myself and feel similarly about zombie series (or ones similar in tone, like TG), though you’re right—this episode helped fill in on some of the excellent aspects of the series that I missed!

    2. Thanks, JeskaiAngel (and TWWK) for the compliments. This was my first (published) podcast, and while I do like the end result, I don’t know that I could ever do justice to the Tokyo Ghoul series. I mean, I didn’t even remember to talk about the flower symbolism in the series! I’m glad that even though a series like Tokyo Ghoul might not be your thing, you’re still interested in what makes others appreciate it. Also, I’m not sure I would consider the ghouls as zombie-type creatures, rather, they’re more akin to vampires who can have the same morals/lack of morals as regular humans, but need to eat a bit more than just the blood.

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