The Anime Ministry Network Launches!

Do you use anime to reach people for Christ? Would you like to join a community of believers who do the same?

A community of people on a similar mission can encourage and help one another be more effective in their work. This idea stayed with me last year after I attended the Nerd Culture Ministry Summit. The several-day event was full of wonderful talks and presentations that demonstrated just how far gaming ministry has progressed over the last half-dozen years. Digital missionaries are reaching out to gamers internationally, churches are making physical and digital places for gamers, and lay workers are using social media to help make disciples of these gaming “nations.” And they do it in cooperation with one another.

Meanwhile, though there are pockets of incredible ministry happening in the anime landscape, such as by Jesus Otaku, we’re behind as a whole—less organized with fewer workers, less experience, and virtually no guidance.

And it is really hard to go it alone, especially when, as we know, the audience is so vast and the stakes so high. I’m reminded of the second season of Vinland Saga, a rich series full of concepts and themes that relate to the Christian faith. I explored some of these ideas previously, but one theme that I chewed on without writing about was the role farming played in the season. Several episodes, in particular, were devoted to Thorfinn and Einar uprooting trees and tilling land to prepare it for farming. The soil was rich but much work had to be done before they could even really begin planting. It’s an apt analogy for ministry generally, but also specifically for what we do in the anime sphere, where viewership is growing but unlike in gaming, the digital missionaries are few and disorganized.

But we can start correcting that.

Tilling the land

Let’s join together as Christians seeking to reach anime viewers in mutual, prayerful support! We can start that through a new community I’ve just opened: The Anime Ministry Network on Discord. There, we’ll encourage each other through friendship, prayer, the word, and chatting about our other passions (like anime and gaming), and share our wisdom, insights, and experience to benefit one other’s ministries for the kingdom.

So I’m calling out to you, TikTokers, podcasters, bloggers, cosplayers, and all other creators who are doing digital anime ministry. Come join this community and let’s help each other in our like-minded mission to reach otaku for Christ!

Just fill out the form below! If you qualify, I’ll email you an invitation link.

I agree to the following statements of faith:1. God is the creator of the universe2. God is one in three persons—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit3. God created man4. Man sinned, creating a divide between humanity and God5. Jesus is the son of God6. Jesus died in our place to pay the price for our sins7. Eternal salvation is by grace through faith in Christ as Lord and Savior, and not by our own works8. Believers will have eternal life in heaven9. The Bible is God's inerrant word(required)


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