Guest Post at Anime Instrumentality: Fractale and Japan’s Link to Ireland

ZZeroparticle at Anime Instrumentality was so kind as to let me write a guest post for his amazing blog.  For months, I’ve wanted to write about the fondness the Japanese feel toward Irish music, using one of my favorite EDs, Fractale‘s, as an example.  Please go have a read:

Fractale’s ED and Japan’s Nostalgic Drive Toward Irish Music

I hope you enjoy the post – it was a chance for me to write something a little more academic in tone.  And while you’re there, please look around the rest of the blog – it’s one of the best-loved in the anime blogosphere for good reason.

While we don’t write about music much on the blog, we do have a smattering of music-related posts, so take a look if you’re in the mood.
