First Impressions: Pop Team Epic

Welcome to Pop Team Epic, the show where the skits are all absurd and the plot doesn’t matter! That’s right, the plot doesn’t matter at all, just like that fake-out opening we got for Hoshiiro Girldrop. Here are the main characters, Popuko and Pipimi, now let’s see them wreck absolute chaos!

It was hard trying to find something to review about with this show, given how it is so incomprehensible, even its series director has a hard time trying to understand it. And since it’s also a show that knows and prides itself on being conventionally bad in almost every way, it would be a compliment if I were to call it out on that reason. I will say this, though: Pop Team Epic is not an anime for everyone. If you’re into weird Dadaist anti-humor or memes, you would probably like it. Its crudeness, however, would be a huge turn-off for most of us reading this post.

You can stream Pop Team Epic on HIDIVE, Crunchyroll, Funimation, AsianCrush, Midnight Pulp, and Amazon Video.


2 thoughts on “First Impressions: Pop Team Epic

  1. I’m in a weird spot this season because of how much I enjoyed this anime despite how crude it could be at times. I think that’s the nice thing about skit shows – if you don’t like one joke another joke is just a step behind.

    I found up writing my thought about it on my blog, mentioning how I’m usually one of the people in my circle of friends with more “Christian tastes” for lack of a better term. I hope this doesn’t seem like spam, but I thought this might interest you:

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