Interview with Bakugou’s Seiyuu (and Shogi Fantatic), Nobuhiko Okamoto

One of anime’s most recognizable voices is that of Katsuki Bakugou, the quite literally explosive hero-in-training from My Hero Academia. But while Bakugou is characterized by a strained voice and simmering, sometimes violent rage, the actor who voices him, Nobuhiko Okamoto, is calm and engaging. The popular seiyuu, who has also voiced Rin (Blue Exorcist),… Read More Interview with Bakugou’s Seiyuu (and Shogi Fantatic), Nobuhiko Okamoto

Revenge or Love

Two of the shows I’m watching this season are Blue Exorcist: Kyoto Saga and Masamune’s Revenge. While these two shows are vastly different, I noticed something that struck me as similar about a protagonist from each show. Yukio Okumura and Masamune Makabe are both driven by a similar want – to feel equal. Masamune’s desire… Read More Revenge or Love

Something More: Fan (Dis-)Service, Tsundere for Jesus, and “Playing God” until you Run out of Chimeras

Every-so-often, creators like to throw their fans a juicy bone–putting favorite characters into high-action power fantasies, or allowing an emotional build-up “just for the feels.” Fandom pandering can certainly lead to a watered-down story if creators cater to every imagined whim of their doting followers, but, sometimes, a little sprinkling of fan service can go… Read More Something More: Fan (Dis-)Service, Tsundere for Jesus, and “Playing God” until you Run out of Chimeras