Something More: Religion at Katsucon, Hinduism in Death Parade, and Heaven in Wolf’s Rain

Truth be told, this week’s post was intended to be the last regular column of Something More.  I felt that especially with an umber of the writers we feature here having recently joined our site, the column had outlived its usefulness.  That was still my thought this morning, until I realized just how many spirituality-related articles were posted in the aniblogosphere this week.  And so, we continue forward, though it should be noted that Something More may post on more a biweekly schedule from this point forward.

And now, onto this week’s articles!

At Katsucon this weekend? Then you’ll no doubt want to check out Charles Dunbar’s panels on Japan and religion. [Study of Anime]

If you’ve noticed the religious allusions in Death Parade, you’re not the only one – it’s chock full of Buddhist, Shinto, and especially Hindu imagery, and may also have something to tell us in alignment with the last of those three religious philosophies. [Isn’t it Electrifying?]

The first episode of Super Sonico demonstrates to us how fanservice can reveal adulterous desires. [Old Line Elephant]

The concepts of sin and repentance surprisingly find themselves instilled in an ecchi game, Criminal Girls, Invite Only. [Cacao, put down the shovel!]

She’ll spend an upcoming post on religion, but even this week’s post regarding queerness, the first in a series on Kill la Kill, makes some mention of Christian imagery and ideas. [Taylor Ramage’s Blog]

The wolves in Wolf’s Rain seek a literal paradise, but is that what they need? And how does that compare to what otaku seek? [Black Strawberry]

Episode 3 of KanColle demonstrates to us a principle recorded in the Book of James: tomorrow is not guaranteed. [Geeks Under Grace]

Could a solution to the way women are represented in games be found in the understanding of sinful nature? [2]

Adam Ledford completes his series on the history of Christianity in Japan by discussing the Shimabara Rebellion and the faith in Japan following the failed rebellion. [Tofugu]

As part of the Something More series of posts, each week Beneath the Tangles links to writings about anime and manga that involve religion and spirituality.  If you’ve written such a piece or know of one, please email TWWK if you’d like it included.


10 thoughts on “Something More: Religion at Katsucon, Hinduism in Death Parade, and Heaven in Wolf’s Rain

  1. Thanks for putting my post on God, Women and video games 🙂 That one was close to my heart, and glad to have thrown that topic out there.

  2. Speaking of Death Parade’s new episode (6), it was very different in tone compared to the others, it could be described as more vulgar, not only for the “fanservice”, but the overall atmosphere.

  3. Not only that series has references to Eastern religions like the ones mentioned in the article.

    The cosmology and characters seem based on gnosticism too, although it could be coincidential, since various gnostic myths are similar to some eastern mythologies.

  4. FYI: I can barely see whatever font it is that you’re using in the column and the printed comments. Not because it’s small, but because the letters are medium gray, with light gray spaces where letter should be. So yeah, I would love to read this article, but I can’t make out what it says.

    1. I think maybe that has something to do with your end? I never have such problems on any of the multiple devices I use…

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