Spirituality in the Anime Blogosphere: Anime Lover Grows Up

Do you remember the movie, Hook?  I couldn’t care less that it was trashed by critics upon release; I absolutely loved that movie as a child (and still do).  The catch in Spielberg’s Peter Pan story was that Pan was now grown up, and had to return to Neverland to rescue his children, who’d been kidnapped by Captain Hook.

That’s right.  Ever Peter Pan couldn’t be a kid forever.

We all mature and have to become adults sometime.  Eighteen is a marking point for adulthood in the U.S., but that doesn’t mean we feel grown up at that point.  For me, I didn’t feel like a grownup until I had my first child – when I was 26.

In the linked article below, from Abu Dhabi Media Company‘s online publication, The National, quickly relates one individual’s maturation from young person to adult, primarily through her love of movies, books, and other media.  Of particular note to us is that Iman Ali mentions her obsession with anime and Japan as a child.  In addition, she also makes a strong remark about her faith in the article’s conclusion. 

It’s a quick read – I hope you all will check it out!

Faith and family become paramount for a young lover of fiction


4 thoughts on “Spirituality in the Anime Blogosphere: Anime Lover Grows Up

  1. Read the article. It mostly made me sad that her love for fiction isn’t as strong anymore. Sort of natural for me to feel that way, as a wannabe novelist, haha.

    And I do remember Hook. Awesome movie.

  2. I think people go in phases…perhaps her disinterest in fiction has to do with family life. I know that when I became a parent, I just didn’t have the time to read anymore, except for professional reasons (non-fiction).

    And I’m glad that I’m not the only one who enjoys the awesomeness of Hook. Although I did watch it about a year ago, and I admit, the swordplay in the movie was a little too childish. 😛

  3. Very interesting point you raised. While I would never say anime is for kids, I’m beginning to feel a disconnect between myself and the myriad of high school leads/ characters. Perhaps I am growing out of this hobby.

    p.s. Nice link and I loved Hook as a kid as well. ^ ^

    1. One good thing about anime is that it appeals to a variety of ages. Unfortunately, I think that as we get older, there will be fewer that appeal to us. I certainly feel that way.

      And yay for Hook! 😛

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